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Monday, 12 September 2011

Two vegetable side dishes - your Mum will be SOOOO pleased

Baked Courgettes
Garlic Beans

My Mum is brilliant with vegetables.  Brilliant.  These recipes are from her.  Fanks Mum.

Baked Courgettes

You will need

1 large courgette (zucchini)
Large handful (approximately 2/3 cup) of coarse white breadcrumbs (panko breadcrumbs work well)
Heaped tablespoon grated parmesan cheese
Level tablespoon chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
Olive oil


Top and tail the courgettes and slice them lengthways into 4 (or about 1/4 inch thickness - but please don't get the measuring tape out).
Butter a small ovenproof gratin dish and lay the strips in - each one overlapping by a 1/4 inch.

Mix together all the other ingredients, sprinkle over the courgettes and sprinkle liberally with olive oil.

Bake for around 20 minutes at 180C until the topping is golden and crunchy.

Garlic beans

You will need

A large handful of french green beans (called squeaky beans in our family)
A generous knob of butter
1 clove of garlic - crushed


Bring a pan of well salted water (it should taste like sea water) to the boil.  Add the beans.  Bring back to the boil with the lid on then immediately remove the lid.  Cook for 2-3 minutes.  They should be just tender.

Drain and plunge into a bowl of iced water.  The ice water is very important.  It stops the beans from cooking and helps them retain their bright green colour.  Mum is insistent; this step must not be missed out....

When cold, drain and pat dry with a tea towel or some kitchen paper.

Melt the butter in a saucepan over a gentle heat.  Add the garlic. Cook VERY GENTLY for 30 seconds.  Do not let it brown.  If it does start again.  You are just warming the garlic through.

Keep the saucepan on a gentle heat and add the beans and toss them in the butter for a minute until hot and serve immediately.

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